One more edition of some songs of my choice. I am again, not giving you the download links due to bandwidth restrictions. Playing the songs and then downloading them, doubles the bandwidth usage. In these times of economic recession, this would not be a wise thing to do. Already too many file hosting sites are tottering with frequent outages. Save all forms of energy, seems to be the mantra of the day. You may however, fish out the songs from the Internet Explorer Cache after playing them to their full length.
Patdipaki and Dhanbasanti are very rare in this days and that also by this great artist. Thank you very much to put your nice and valuble collection for those rare public who is really interested this type of higher choice of classical music. Please continue you attamps.
Outstanding Dhanbasanti by Kumar Ghandharva.
I noticed that you have taken the download link away ... :(
Patdipaki and Dhanbasanti are very rare in this days and that also by this great artist. Thank you very much to put your nice and valuble collection for those rare public who is really interested this type of higher choice of classical music. Please continue you attamps.
truly a great blog for Indian classical music..keepu up the work
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